Thursday, March 20, 2014

Some QT with our li-li

President's Day Ry and I both got off of work, it was so nice!  Especially considering he was starting lots of overtime the following day.  Mya had school so we decided to take Ash to Barnes & Noble for a bit, she loves going there.  We got there and she immediately went to the train table. 
Took her coat off real quick and wanted to get her own 'blue' train. 
PLEASE mama. 
Story time...this kid goes through times where she could literally sit for a good while and flip through books.  She was telling us all about the pics too, loved it!
Take that!
Little sass
...and it didn't stop there!
oh lord, the faces this child makes kills me.
Lego time!!!!  I was AMAZED at the way she was stacking them.  4 small ones, followed by 1 large one, all blue of course! 
So excited to smile with her tower.
Ry added it onto his to make a robot.  WOOOWWWWWW
Killing me.
And of course a few videos....popping daddies bubbles.
She kills me!  Ry says this with her all the time, "I am a robot."  She sounds so cute when she does it.
Lili, you are a crazy little lady and I seriously love every bit of it.  You make me laugh so hard but damn you are so hard headed too, a very strong minded little girl.  You also have a huge heart and out of no where will come up to us and say, "I love you guys" giving us a big group hug.  It couldn't melt me anymore.  I love you more than you'll even know and love watching you grow and explore everything around you.  My little sass machine and complete free spirit, who by the way, would wear the same outfit everyday if I let her.  I love getting some alone time with you because you really are so entertaining to watch.  Keep on reaching for the stars my love bug....

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