Wednesday, March 26, 2014

playdates at the park...

One Saturday in February I headed down to the Leonhardt's house to have a little girl day.  Ryan was working weekends and so is Eric, so we decided to get all the girls together to play.  The weather turned out to be amazing and we even got to hit up the park AND even better, we got to see the Osmond girlies too!  Tony has been working crazy hours too, so just lots and lots of girlies!  LOVE IT! 
We got to the Leonhardt's and Ash and Brookie got right to playing...
No more than 2 minutes later, they were all in Reese's room, playing dress up!  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! 
These 2, MELT MY HEART!  Dancing in the kitchen, just love them.
Moving onto the bikes. 
And before long, we were all outside getting the girls ready to hit the park! 
It's like they had been locked up for months when they got outside!
Before hitting up the park, we got to see the progress of the Leonhardt's new amazing home in Brielle.  Just so amazing and beautiful!  I can't wait to see it all complete!  The girls were looking out of Reese's bedroom window.
A view of the downstairs. 
Off to the park.  We went to Reese's school park, so cute and just perfect for these girls.  They were LOVING this ride on toy, just so cute.
She wasn't having fun at all.
Brookie was loving the slide.
PILE UP!!!!!!
Sissy's on the see-saw
Mya off and Gracie on.
Always kids at heart!
Got back to the house and you know, my little angel, just reading up on some versus.
Then she got some loving from Reesie.  *MELT*
And a little bike riding action before we hit the road.
We stopped by the Tinton Fall outlets on the way home.  I wanted to check out our store, get Ry a shirt and the girls wanted to ride a ride...
What a fun day!  Can't wait for the warm weather so we can actually hit the beach when we come down.  xoxo

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