Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Mama's Day

My 4th mothers day, 1st as a mother of 2! It was extra special. I woke up, after partying the night before for my 30th. Ryan wanted me to sleep in and he was going to make me breakfast in bed but I actually was ready to get up. I decided to go out and get some bagels, and coffee (I needed coffee!). We were having my family and Ryan's mom, step dad and bro over for brunch.
daddy and the peach

3 generations

the girls

This is why I get to celebrate mothers day.

my 3 loves, I LOVE this pic

I had really wanted to go down the shore or something after our families left. But we were both so tired, that we napped with the girls. It felt so good! We ended up just hanging around home the rest of the night too. It was perfection!
After dinner, we sat on the porch and had some ice cream, Mya shared hers with Ash.

so cute

so cute


a few of the little snap

Than daddy was climbing the tree and Mya was getting pissed cause she wanted to get in the tree.

so daddy put her in there...

...and Ash got in too. She was so excited!

I had such a great mothers day. Thank you to my 2 girls for making life so incredibly amazing. I couldn't imagine my life without you 2. You bring so much joy to my life. What an exciting ride this has been. Mama loves you, xoxo
Oh and I just had to add these from the weekend too. So Saturday morning, we ran a 5K. After, Mya ran in her first ever race. It was adorable!
Nona, Dewey Pop and the bean

Her first race! It was so cute.

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