Tuesday, April 19, 2011

UNITE half

Sunday Ry and I had the Rutgers UNITE 1/2 Marathon. We signed up as a relay team, so we were both going to do about 6.5 miles, with him starting and me finishing it up. We have been training for the past few months and were so excited for race day to finally get here! We woke up, got ready and headed out! We get there and since there was MASSIVE amounts of rain on Saturday, part of the course (Johnson park) was flooded. They decided to cut the race down to a 10 miler (actually turned out to really be about 9.5), rather than the 13.1. Fine, 5 miles each is still cool, plus it was pretty windy! The race started and Ryan was off! They took the 2nd half of the relayers (there were only really about 20 of us) to our starting point. Come to find out, Ryan was getting to do 6.2 and I was jipped and got only 3.3!!! I was so annoyed!!! Next year, we're both doing the entire race! The good part (for me at least) was that I got to go through the finish line. Now, I've done a few 5K's before but never participated in a half marathon (or whatever you'd call this). Coming up on the last mile and seeing all the people cheering you on is really amazing! I wish Ry got to experience that part of it, especially considering he did most of it!
No one even got to see me cross the finish, my parents didn't know it was changed to 10 miles, so they were on the way up when I was done. It was windy out so we didn't really want them to keep her out in it. And Ry was being shuttled back from where he finished. Oh well, next year we'll rock it out!
Here's Mya when my parents dropped us off. They were going to stay to watch Ry take off but it was really windy.


Our good friends, Regan and John, did the relay too!

The Goldsmith gang. It was so cute, they were there to cheer their mama on!

I got a pic of Ry coming through his finish line, he did AWESOME! Averaged a little over an 8 minute mile and one of the miles was at 7 minutes!!! GO BABY GO!!!!

John coming in, just after Ry.

All in all it was a fun day but we were just disappointed that it was cut so short! Regan and I should have started from the beginning and just ran the whole thing! Oh well, there's always next year!!!!!!

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