Thursday, April 7, 2011


OMG our little bean turned 2 yesterday, where has the time gone??? What a little girl she is too! She LOVES wearing my heels, putting on tutu's and dressing herself (my little fashionista!). Sometimes it is annoying, especially when she wants to wear the mismatching outfits, but hey, that's how we express ourselves, right?! She LOVES to take out all of her clothes from her dresser and try them on, can't quite get them over her hiney but that makes it even more funny! She than will (try to) fold it or just throw it on the ground. I see a dirty room when she hits her teens!

She's starting to talk SO much! Impressing us everyday with words, still working on putting more than one word together, every now and than she'll throw one out. Like Thursday morning, I was getting ready to leave Aunt Mary's for work and I said, I love you Mya, and she said, I love. Totally didn't say you but it was so sweet!

There are so many things I love about this little girl...

I love the way you get so excited when I get home from work. She knows when I call Ry on the way home, she screams MAMA in the background and I'll talk to her until I pull up. Most of the time it's me just babbling on and on and there was even a time when Ry picked up the phone and goes, Mya threw the phone down about 5 minutes ago, haha! She's at the door when I get home and seeing that little face and big smile, melts my heart!

I love the way that the second I (or anyone) gets into the house, you try to take off their jackets.

I love the way that everywhere you go you want to just take your shoes, socks, jacket off and make yourself at home. NOT shy!

I love the way you give the biggest kisses, pushing as hard as you can sometimes! And the hugs too, just melts my heart. I love it the most when you just randomly come up and give us kisses for no reason. I love the way you immediately come over to kiss us when either of us hurt ourselves too, such a love bug.

I love the way you ask me to rub your back when I lay in bed with you to put you down. She'll put her back to me and lift her shirt in the back and say rub!

I love the way you scream MAMA when you wake up in the morning from your room. I yell back and say, MYA are you awake? She immediately answers YEAAA! I love the way you say YEA too!

I love the way you dance your heart out to certain songs and ask for certain songs to be played.

I love the way you make me sing you either the bubbles or tooth brushin song when I brush your teeth and you dance when I brush!

I love the way you say CHEESE when I ask you to smile.

I love the way you love clothes, we're going to do some damage when you get old enough to shop with me!

I love the way you help me bake, you're such a great helper and it's so fun to have you by my side when we're whipping something up.

I love so many things about you I can't even list them all, these are just a few of the many...I LOVE that you are our 1st and oldest daughter. You bring such light into our lives and I thank God for you every single day. You have opened up another part of our hearts to loving and we are just head over heels for you. Watching you grow these past 2 years has been truly amazing. It's gone by SO fast, I wish it would just slow down.

I hope that you have an AMAZING 2nd Birthday snickerdoodle. We love you more than you'll ever know...xoxo

You've changed so much through your 2 years, here you are on your first day of life...

1st Birthday party!

And here you are, on your 2nd you peanut...xoxo


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Mya!!!!!!!!!!!

Leonhardt fam said...

Liz that was so beautiful brought tears to my eyes! Happy Birthday Beanie we love you so much xoxo