Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Other weekend stuff...

Saturday was Mya's last swim class. She has grown to love this class so much and we've loved watching her have so much fun in the water. It's going to be a fun summer! She's so funny when we're ready to push her underwater to 'swim.' We say close your eyes, she closes them, than we say, ok now close your mouth, and she opens it as wide as she can!!! HAHA!! It's so funny! This past Saturday our regular instructor (who we love) wasn't there, kinda disappointing, especially since it was the last class. The fill in was ehhh. But Mya had no fear swimming underwater to her and letting her push her back to me. Everytime she came up she kept saying MORE!!!


She was OBSESSED with getting a noodle and playing on it.

Practicing floating on her back.

Time to swim!

We got home and she didn't want to put a diaper on after I changed her. Fine, I said, you have to put on some panties! She LOVES wearing her panties around the house, and I must say, it's freakin adorable seeing her little hiney in them!!!! She even likes to check out her hiney!!! haha

Panties and heels, OMG this girl is a NUT!

This was just before the fall! She got right back up, no injuries!

Time for a break in her chair. Isn't this chair ADORABLE!!!! Gigi and Peepa got it for her for her birthday and she absolutely LOVES it!

The girl had us cracking up with daddy's hat on and our race day ankle strap on! NUT!

Than we put on her bikini, back in the heels she goes!

haha, love it!

1 comment:

Rachel Dupree said...

LOVE HER!! and that hiney. Too cute! Love the bathing suit too, great colors. xoxo