Friday, October 8, 2010

Mya is 1.5!

WOW, is that even possible that my little snickerdoodle dumpling is 1.5 years old??? How did this happen?? She has developed such a firecracker little personality that I absolutely LOVE! Watching her grow is truly a joy to us and just so much fun. Every day she just seems to amaze us. She is still growing like a weed and will probably surpass my height by the age of 2! She's wearing a size 7 shoe! The beginning of the summer, she was in a 4! Maybe we weren't putting her in the correct size, cause we went to Stride Rite to get her measured. I mean really, most of the 7's are still big (I think we need them more for the width, chubby foot over here), but still, I'm buying 7's, really? I've been buying 2T in bottoms and 3T in tops. There is enough room for her to grow into the tops, and sometimes I'll get the 2T top but for the most part, WOW, this child is like her daddy!!!! Watch, we'll have a boy next and he'll be petite like me! I think that might kill Ry!

She switches back from girlie girl to tomboy on the regular. She has those times where she'll play with her baby doll, push her around, hold her, kiss her and hug her and try to feed her (quite funny). But than she has her moments of playing with trucks, rocks, and anything with dirt. I LOVE that about her, she's dabbed into it all and has NO fear of anything.

She still LOVES taking your finger (and will take just about anyones finger for that matter) to take you somewhere that she wants to go. Or to just sit you down with her as she plays.

We had her check up last night and here are her stats:
Height - 33 1/4" (90%)
Weight - 28lbs 11ozs (90%)
She's only gained 9.5 ozs since last appointment, the Dr thinks that last appointment wasn't accurate. She's not really saying too much more as she was last time (a few words but not as much as they say she should be). We need to keep an eye on this cause she should be putting 2 words together now. She understands everything we say though so the Dr isn't too worried. Let's go child, TALK ALREADY!!! I'm sure that once she does start talking I'm going to be wishing she wasn't (well that's what alot of people are saying, i don't believe it), but I just get so excited for the next part of her development every step of the way.
Not much else, oh wait, how could I forget she's got bronchitis. Yup, Friday morning (her actual 18 month bday) with a cough. We didn't think too much of it, maybe just a cold coming on. Throughout the day it got worse and by Saturday morning, she had that wheezing sound going on and we KNEW it wasn't just a cold. We took her to the Dr, her temp was 102.6 and the Dr listened to her and said, yup, she's got bronchitis. OH NO, we had the Big Apple Circus to go to that afternoon (pics coming soon). The Dr looked at us and said, so go! She was a happy little bean and said she wasn't contagious. They're contagious when it's the cold, once the cold settles (and became bronchitis for her) it's not contagious anymore. SWEET!!!! As long as she was happy we decided to just go!
Anyway, here are a few pics from Saturday morning. Mya loves putting my shoes on and walking around. This afternoon when we got home, she put my pump (just one) and was walking around in it, it was hysterical!

Bed head!

Hello buggies

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