Thursday, October 7, 2010


Mya has her Gymboree classes every Monday nights and we bring her Saturday mornings sometimes too. It's so cute and since we've been going for a while now, she's developed some friends there (so have Ry and I). There is this family that has 3 kids under 3!!!! Mya is IN LOVE with the 3 month old, I'm talking, WILL NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! Usually he's in the car seat so she'll walk over every 2 minutes to make sure he's ok in there. This past Monday his mom was carrying him in a baby bjorn, so Mya just kept going up to him and kissing him and touching his face. I felt so bad that Mya was all over him but the mom kept reassuring me that there she was fine and loved it!
In an effort to save money we were so close to cancelling our membership. There's always money that can be saved, right? Well after this Monday night class we knew that we couldn't do it! Mya loves it too much to not go anymore.

I kept telling Ry to let go, she's ok to go down herself. He's so cautious with her, he wouldn't!


He let her go down the fully padded one alone though, haha!

There's the little boy, Finn, all the way to the left in the bjorn, SO CUTE!

At the end of the class, the teacher holds Gymbo, I guess you can call him the mascot (even though he's just a stuffed clown) and they sing this song. The clown goes to sleep and everyones supposed to lay on the ground and be quiet, than everyone gets up and dances around a little more. Well Mya NEVER lays on the ground, on Monday, she decided to get in the teachers face and see if she was really sleeping!!! It was HYSTERICAL!!!

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