Thursday, June 28, 2012

girls night at the Cust casa

We had a fun girls night, a few Friday nights ago, at the Cust house. I left Ash home with Ry since she can't really hang as late as the bean. Plus, Mya liked hanging with the big girls that night! It was super cute when I went up to spy on them in Ava's room.
No way was I getting the 4 of them together.

I did get Mya and Cassidy.

Jen, So so and me.


All done up in her makeup and side pony, don't by Cass and Ava.

We had a great time and should totally do that more you girls...xoxo

God Bless Jack Vincenzo

I am blessed with another adorable little godson, Jack Vincenzo! He was baptized on June 3rd and I was so lucky to be such a big part of the day. Love you little man!
Mommy and Jack. SO CUTE!

The beautiful Scicutella fam.

They had the party at their house after. It's so cute seeing the girls playing together now that they're a little older. I hope they grow up to be as close as Regan and I are. Gia showing Mya all her toys.

Ash joining in now that she's mobile.

Mya is obsessed with these window glasses. She likes to match her daddy.

hey there....

It's funny they don't even pay attention to this toy at home, typical.

Check out my shoes.

The man of the hour! And seriously with that outfit, don't you just wanna eat him up!

See, I can do this! Ash gets a bit jealous when I hold other babies. So, I'll just hold both of em!

Until Ry stole Jack from me.

Michael looking for Ry, who was cracking him up.


Once the rain stopped we headed outside to do some chalk. Poor Regan had everything set up for outside and as soon as the Baptism was over, it started pouring! No worries, the kids had a great time.

Thanks for letting us share in this special day for Jack. I feel so blessed to have him as my godson and love him to much. xoxo

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to my snap

My little snappy is 1, HOLY COW! How did this happen? How do we now have 2 toddlers and no more babies, WAHHHH!!!! I can't even imagine life with just one now, and how damn easy that was! Not that 2 is hard, cause it's not, you just have to be on your toes. I never saw myself as having 2 girls, I always thought I'd have a boy first, than a girl, or maybe that's just what I really wanted. Now, I couldn't imagine not having my 2 girls. I love it! I love all the girlyness going on in our house (cause both are UBER GIRLY), I love all the pink, dresses, clothes, shoes and I really love the way Ry is with them. He's a big, giant teddy bear and it's so sweet seeing him with his 2 little girls. I can live without the meltdowns though, that'd I'm not cool with.
Ash's birthday fell on a Wednesday, Ry and I both took off and spent the day with the girls. We went to the beach, in hopes of going ONTO the beach, but it was rainy so we ended up going to Jenks Aquarium, the same thing we did for Mya's first birthday (super special). It was so much fun.
Here are her stats at her 1 year check up.
21 lbs 14 ozs (50 - 75%)
31 inches (95%)
head is BIG 48" (95%) large brains run in our fam!
She's in size 4 diapers, slowly moving into 5's.
Wearing a size 4-5 shoe.
Size 18-24 months for the most part, some size 2T.
She's got 5, almost 6, teeth. 3, almost 4, top and 2 bottom.
She's FINALLY sleeping through the night, down at 8-8:30ish and sleeps till 6ish (sometimes 5ish, which isn't cool Ash!).
She's only nursing at night to dry my milk up. I really think my right boob is completely dried up and left is getting there. She takes a bottle from me now, so I know my supply isn't what it used to be. *tear*
She's walking, full on walking. It actually really started on her 1st birthday. She was 'stepping' alot before that, but now she's a full on walker and I LOVE it! She actually runs to be honest!
She eats a ton, wants everything we're eating. And when she doesn't want anymore or doesn't want what you're trying to give her she shakes her head back and forth and says NO! She knows what she wants, that's for sure!
She's been saying so much, I know she'll be talking way before Mya did. Here are some of the words she says.
my (that's what she calls Mya)
hiiiiii (always the exageratted iiiii)
bye bye (as she's waving and this usually happens after the person left)
no (this is a favorite already I think)
uh ohhh (so cute!)
moe (for more)
Bailey and tony too (but I haven't heard them...I have heard her say Bay for Bailey though)
She also tries to imitate alot of what we say, most are just sounds, but some really are the words! When you say some letters (like A and B), she'll repeat them too.
She knows where her nose and belly button are. And is more than happy to show you her belly button.
Sometimes when I'm taking a pic of her, I'll say smile, and she does just that!!! I have her trained already!
She has super curly hair and I LOVE it! It's still strawberry blonde but she's getting some blonde through it too, I think it's from the sun.
When she's on the ground and wants to be held, she literally will sit there and say up and does this thing with her hands, like snapping her fingers to her palms (hence the nickname snap/snappy).
She loves giving kisses (and I love receiving them). In the mornings when she wakes up, if Mya's still sleeping and I say to her, where's Mya? She'll go over to her and kiss her. And she likes to kiss right on the lips, melts me!
She can blow bubbles and gets so excited when she sees she's done it. On that note, she also blew out her birthday candle! ROCKSTAR!
Everything and I mean EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. It's so annoying!
She loves the beach and likes going into the water too. We went the past 2 weekends and last weekend Ry took her in and so did Frank and she wasn't scared. (Mya wasn't scared either might I add, she actually kept pushing off Ry when they were in the water saying, Daddy I'm a mermaid, I can swim. Not so much kid!).
Her BFF is Dewey, like for real, over anyone! I'm surprised she doesn't say Dew yet.
She's so happy (for the most part). Her laugh is contagious and it really cracks me up when she smiles or laughs or goes over to Mya to try and kiss her when Mya's having a meltdown (which has been happening far too often these days).
So here are a few (TON) pics from her actual birthday. I made this sign for her party and had it hanging up for the morning (and 2 weeks after) her actual birthday.

1st candle and blow out moment of the day with breakfast.

Loving the attention.

Making her 1st wish...

cause you know I got a video of it too...

We made it to the beach!!!

Mya wanted so bad to go into the fun house, but it was closed.


Just getting into the aquarium. Mya was making her way out of the stroller and Ash was just loving it.

Daddy and his girls, love Mya's face.

Me and my girls

I have a similar pic of Mya like this on her 1st bday.

Mya on her first birthday! Ashley is so much taller and slimmer.

SO excited...and this girl loves to hold my lip gloss.

Checkin out the seals, is that a little crack I see Ash?

Turtle turtle

Used the timer for a fam shot

my 2 favorite girls in the whole wide world are Myaaaaaa and Ashleyyyy


Later in the afternoon we had fam over for birthday cake...Uncle Pankie gave Ash her gift and we had to get the shades on her...

Yes, that's Mya in her diaper in the background (this kid still poops in a diaper, HELPPP!!!)

Ash making her way over to LJ.


More singing for the gingy

More wishes too...

LOL Ash!

and LOL Mya's crazy eye


Ash wanted the strawberry shortcake...but I made her wait for the whipped cream!

sorry I can't help the cuteness

YUMMM, I had to add the whipped cream!

Kisses for LJ, Ash LOVES this kid.

Mya wanted to hold him

Ash couldn't get away from T, hmmm I wonder why....

yup, that's why....

Mags and one of her BFF's

My 1 year old

Look Ma, I'm a big girl now

Daddy flying her around.

We took this down from the attic a few months ago and Ashley loves it! Auntie Rachel and Uncle Will got it for Mya's 2nd Christmas. She loves it so much that I actually have it upstairs now so that it keeps her company while I try to get ready every morning.

Her newfound love, to climb the stairs and scare the $hit outta mommy.

the 3 kiddies on the ground with LJ. Looks like Ash wants in.

This I just had to share. Before bath time, Mya was taking a dump (hence the diaper), she had to put her boots on (wacko) and they were so ready for the tub.

Ash even tried climbing right in.

Nice belly girl...and Ash on her toes, LOVE!

HAD to squeeze this in too. The next night, we had extra whipped cream from the strawberry shortcakes....Ash is a BIG FAN!

And Mya had a red velvet cake pop! Can you tell?

And to leave you with the 12 month photo shoot...GOD I love this girl...

It's hard to get an awesome pic when all she wants to do is walk TO me.


Love the hiney

Happy 1st birthday to my sweet little gingersnap (peachy pie, snappy, snaps, ash, love bug and all the names mama calls you). I love you more than you'll ever know. You have made this past year so unbelievably amazing and I can't wait for many more years with you! I love you tons...