Thursday, January 20, 2011

weekend cuteness

I have a few random shots from the weekend. Friday night Michael and Tabs babysat while Ry took me to dinner. It was so nice to get out, just the 2 of us, and enjoy a nice meal! When Michael got there, we noticed that Mya and him matched!!! GO JETS!!!! SO CUTE!!! When we got home they told us that she kept calling him Mike. So the next morning we got up and said, Mya, where's Mike? She screamed MIKEEEEE!!! It was SO CUTE!!!! She LOVES her Uncle Michael!

Saturday morning crazy hair!

Riding her toy from Auntie Rachel, Uncle Will and Willie
Daddy wanted to try it out too!
Sunday we went to church. Here's out little diva! Ryan says she always leaves her shades on for him in his car. It was so cute! She even wore the headband (for a good 20 minutes)!

She LOVES to get dressed herself. In the morning when we're getting her dressed or just randomly throughout the day. She'll want us to take all her clothes off and pick out her own stuff. Sunday she wanted to wear her purple leopard pants (diaper free) and a green headband, and she was ROCKIN IT! She's also been changing her baby dolls diaper alot! CRACKS US UP!
Crack kills my love! She can never seem to get the pants over her hiney. She's not a fan of us helping her so she just lets the hiney hang out! I personally LOVE seeing that little tush strut around the house!

And she's also been going to check herself out in the mirror once she puts on what she wants to wear. Checks out her hiney and all!!!!!! NUT!!!!!

Onto the shades! God I love when she plays dress up and just wants to accessorize!!!!

We took a few of these last time we were at the Dr's office. So now she likes to use them herself. SAY AHHHHHH

My loves...

Monday rolled around and as I was taking Mya's onesie off to throw in the laundry I just put in. I go, look at how cute that big belly is. Ry looks at me and says, yours looks the same! I go, NO!! So he snapped a pic! Who's belly is bigger?

And last night. Little Miss Diva walking around in my heels and than she put on her scarf and hat!!!! OMG she just cracks us up!!!!!

Than she was sitting on my old cellphone.

She saw the flash and turned around. The look she gave me was like, HELLO lady I'm on the phone here!!!!

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