Friday, February 7, 2014

January iphone pics

I swear I feel like I blinked and January was over.  It's crazy to look back at these pics and think that Christmas just passed, it feels like months ago.  Now onto February and the coldest winter we've had with so much snow in so long.  I'm not gonna like, I really love the snow.  There's something about sleigh riding, playing in the snow and enjoying hot chocolate with the girls that just brings me back to being a kid.
Anyway, here we go with the January wrap up!
All done with Christmas, out goes the tree!
This little nugget kills me sometimes.  She really is a silly little girl. 
A day of arts and crafts!  Thanks to the Cust family for these Christmas gifts, they were a HIT!
A little New Year date night at the Bea house.  We pretended we were at Rafferty's, at Mya's request.  Us girls got all dressed up, while our 'waiter' (poor Ry) slaved over dinner and served us.  No worries, we let the hot waiter eat with us too!
Delicious arm candy from my little god daughter.
Mya's dentist visit.  She's an old pro and actually enjoys going cause it's pretty much guaranteed that she gets no shots.
It was also Ashley's first visit.  So she was just waiting her turn.  I thought, from how it was here, it would go so smoothly.  NOPE, I was completely wrong and I had to literally hold the kid down.  Brought me right back to Mya's first visit.  Hoping Ashley's 2nd visit gets easier. 
Ash was more than happy to get her balloon after though.
Stuffing her face at Nona and Dewey's one night.
Modeling new matching pj's from Nona!
Oh and the day our furnace stopped working.  Luckily it was a free and fairly quick fix.
...but while we waited we crashed the Dupree house.
I mean, it's always fun here!
YAY, home and tattoo time.  Glitter tattoos at that!
Immediately followed by a makeover, by Ash.
Daddy came home and did every ones nails...he's really freaking good at nails.  I told him that next time he gets laid off, I'm sending him to Luxi for a part time job!
Mya got zebra print.
Ash got watermelons.
All ready for bed with their new pillow cases that Nona Nona and Aunt Julie made them for Christmas!  LOVE!
They love them this much!
This kid KILLS me!  Gotta love those chubby cheeks.
All lined up watching paw patrol one Tuesday night.
Ky finally came and sat down.
DYING!  Little play date with Lia, Mary sent me this.  She came walking upstairs all done up!
You knew this was coming next!!!!
Cousin playtime.
One weekend morning, the girls were snuggling on Ryan.  Mya bought over a towel and said they were in a pool, it was cute!
SO.MUCH.LOVE!  I can't!
Red lips, make me feel like a celebrity.
Date night with this guy.
And these 2, who were singing some old school ish into a knife.  We're so cool.
And young, cause obviously, I'm class of 2013!
Morning love with this girlie.
Beef and Lindsey's engagement party, good times!
Always including some throwbacks.  Gotta love this one.  Miss you Granny.
Alexis sent me this pic one day when she was at Marys with Jojo.  I love it!
Costco might be our favorite store.  The girls snuggle up when we go into the cold areas too, it's the freaking cutest thing.
We celebrated my cousin, Tim's birthday.  My aunt from Colorado was out too.  GOOD TIMES!  Happy Birthday Tim!
Oh that fun water issue we were having.  So, one night, during tubs, I ran downstairs to grab something.  I walk into the kitchen to find a $hit ton of standing water, which looked soapy and almost like it was coming from the tub.  So I call Ry down, who cleans it up.  He called our neighbor to let him know, since we're in a townhouse and we share a wall with them.  Ry thought that since it was a very cold few days, maybe a pipe had burst in some strange way.  Anyway, it wasn't.  So we all cleaned up our homes and were just clueless as to where it was coming from.  The next day, Thursday aka man night, Ry went out.  I gave the girls a bath and went downstairs during it just to be sure it wasn't from that.  Nothing.  I put the girls to bed, and I also fell asleep too.  Ry got home around 11 and woke up me to tell me that the kitchen was flooded with water.  He had gotten a call from our neighbor, who had just gotten home around 10:30 and they had water.  UGHHHHH!!  So here we are at 11 pm at night, taking everything out of our pantry.  We live in a townhouse, it's SMALL, we have no space for anything.  So anyway, our dining room was now our pantry as well.  Ry said to not use the shower at this point.  He was going to check it out the next day after work.  SO, Friday comes and he had to work till 10:30pm at his job, JOY!  So Saturday comes and he starts at 9am with putting a hole in our ceiling to find out where this leak is coming from.  Well it turns out that it wasn't our tub.  To be honest, I have no freaking clue WTF was going on.  However, it's fixed and he was basically a plumber all day on Saturday at our house and fixed it. 
Here is the hole, which is not all covered, the entire pantry was also repainted.  SCORE!
We had Reese and Brooke's birthday pool party that day.  That night the girls were pretending to swim on the landing.  LOL!
This is just how I tend to roll.  1 mile till empty.
A glimpse at our life for about a week.  From when it happened to when the walls and ceiling were fixed and painted.  JOY!
We took the girls to the cheesecake factory one Sunday for a late lunch.  YUM!  Ash never smiles, too busy watching Frozen.
LOL, Ash looks like a bulldog with that under bite.
I never post anything like this, but damn this made me CRACK UP!
My girl loves to help with chores.  She loves to switch the clothes from the wash to the dryer.  I'll take it!
Modeling for her mama.
I can't...
That's right, we're taking it back to the 1980's with this ish.  We LOVED this as a kid.  When I saw it at none other than target, I knew I had to get it.  The girls think it's the freaking coolest.
This happened when someone at my work was selling for his daughter.  I actually originally bought 5 boxes, came back the next day for 2 more for Frank!
We have gotten SO MUCH snow this winter.  One particular day, I was on my way to work, the day after a snow storm.  JOY!  I was about 5 blocks from Mary's when some idiot tried to turn left RIGHT IN FRONT of me.  GRRRRR!!!!!  I was SO angry cause I tried to brake but slid the entire way, since it was just a snow covered road. 
Mya, Mags and Bailey playing in the snow, lol!
The girls were loving some chores at Mary's.  They folded pillowcases all day long.
Honestly, this kid kills me.
LOVING my rental as my car is being fixed. 
 Super ASH!
 Can't believe that just 2 years ago this little cookie was born.  LOVE my god daughter so much.
 CANNOT TAKE my loves elementary school pic.
 So, in an effort to transition the girls into sleeping in their room, we got them a new, queen sized bed.  I'm happy to say that the transition has been amazing and they have, not once, slept in our room in almost 2 weeks.  HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that I haven't been in there every night with them.  I feel like I'm just going back and forth all night.  Once they fall asleep, and Ry gets me (cause lets be real, I fall asleep with them), I come into our room.  Then Ash or Mya will wake up at some point in the night and I go back in there. Some nights, I wander back into our room, others I stay in there.  However, their bed is super comfy so I don't really mind.  Plus, I know that eventually they'll be fine all night.  And it's primarily Ash, Mya will fall asleep like a brick hard as hell, ALL NIGHT. 
 First night in the bed.
 Got this cute pic from Mary one day of Mya and Jojo, LOVE.
 They are just the cutest.
 One night at the Dupree's and I'm realizing that going to the bathroom together starts so young with us girls!
 Kylie gives the best kisses.
 And she leaves no one out.
 The bed is a success.  This was before the mattress pad and the girls were complaining that it wasn't comfy.  All is better now. 
 This kid!
 Ash and Titi selfies.
 throwback to the summer of 2012.  Damn how I wish it was this nice right now!
 On the train one day and the river looked so cool with all the snow covering it.
 Mary said the girls were busy at their table all day, lol!
 Meanwhile, I'm in NY, the Friday before Superbowl, with SO MANY PEOPLE!  They had all those things going on "Super bowl Boulevard."
 Rafferty's after that Friday NY trip, met Ry and the girls there.  Ash was about to stick those teeth into a lemon, YIKES!
 ....and gotta end with this gem from Mary.  They were in their 2nd home, AC.  One too many?
February is here and in full swing.  Lots of things to look forward to this month!

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