Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas with the neighbors

Luckily, Ry was feeling better on Sunday, so he was able to join us at the neighbors Christmas party! We headed over to Greg, Lisa, Jack and Emmas for dinner and fun! We got there and Mya and Emma wanted to dance on the table, great girls! Mya had her hairband on, it looked so cute too, but it didn't last long, AT ALL! Any tips on getting a toddler to keep her hairbands on??? I'm ready to glue them!!!!

Aris was just chillin in the recliner.

Time for dinner and all the kids sat so nicely at their table to eat, it was so cute!

Mya and Aris playing together.

Mya was watching the Jets win!!! GO JETS!!!!

Can you even believe that Kristen got them all up on the couch together!!! SMILE EVERYONE, there are a few outtakes!

What a good time we all had. Thanks for hosting it Greg and Lisa!!!!

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