Sunday, December 20, 2009

Her first sleigh ride!!!

It snowed like crazy yesterday. It was Mya's first snowfall in NJ (we were in VA 2 weeks ago when it came down). My mom called us and said that my crazy father (Mya's grand-dew) wanted to take Mya sleigh riding. Now for anyone who knows my father, they know that the second the snow starts to come down, he gets more excited for sleigh riding than a teenager and rallies everyone up to go! So, he came over, all ready to bring Mya. However, there was no way that he would be bringing her to olympic or dead mans hill. We just went on the little, infant sized hills in our development, the bunny slopes! She was all bundled up like Randy from A Christmas Story. Here's a few pics.

ok that was a really small hill.
Grand-dew showing her how its done.
Daddy and Mya
ok now let's ALL go as a fam!!!
Thanks for the idea mom and dad, that was FUN!!!!

1 comment:

Kelly Osmond said...

So adorable! I love that little girl :-)