Me and my beautiful god daughter, Brookie. Can you even take the cheeky cuteness.
pool time
We put all 4 of the girls in matching bikini's. My mouth hurt from gritting my teeth so much that day.
Bea girlies.
belly laughs with Auntie
Here comes Reesie!!
LOL, snack break
she wouldn't look at me to smile...
OMG that face...
hummus lovers
Can you even????!!!!
OK, time for a photo shoot with the matching bikini's. Mya's all ready, typical!
Mya held Brookie, and Reese didn't want to sit down...
we're working on it...
ok, you can have a cookie if you smile...The girls were thrilled!
Ash is already smiling!!!
this is friggin impossible!
Brooke wants a cookie too...
The older girls
I was trying to get a good pic cause they are 3 months apart and Reesie is so much taller than Mya. A good 2 inches it looks like.
Kickball time!
...and that leads to potty time.
LOVE this little munchkin.
That was that day, it was an all girls day. The following Friday, Ry came too and Eric was home. SO MUCH FUN yet again!
Even better than that is this....
Seriously this bikini is nearly see through, you can see her crack!
Dinner time for the girlies.
Since we stay for dinner, we usually bathe the girlies together too. Than Mya has seen Reesie's princess nightgowns and has been going ape shit over them! We told her that if she started pooping on the potty, she could get one too. For the meantime, Reesie was just letting Mya borrow hers while we were there, and she'd give them back before we left. WELL, I'm very happy to say, that since last Monday, Mya has been officially pooping on the potty!!! This only took a year after she's been peeing on the potty everyday, but hey, every kid goes at their own pace and our kids got pooping issues anyway. After she went poop on the potty last week, Ry packed the girls right up and took they to the Disney store to have Mya pick out her nightgown.
Here we are again, July 6th. Another hot summer Friday at the Leonhardt compound! Do you not want to eat this little mama?
kisses from daddy
kisses for Brookie
all over the place....she's gettin lots o love
HAHA, this pic looks familiar.
Little fishie, it's so cute to see this little girl swim. She took swim lessons from when she was an infant. With them having the pool in the back, it was crucial for them. She is now full on swimming, it's so cute!
Brookie gets tons of love.
the girls...trying to get a pic....this just cracks me up of Ash's face, LOL!
The older girls wanted nothing to do with it.
Uncle Eric and the snap
Mya getting ready to do Reesie's hair.
This SO reminds me of me as a kid. I used to CONSTANTLY do my dads hair!!
looks cute
wait, one more braid.
Dancing around the living room to the Snow White song.
and entranced!
Watching their daddies. I LOVE this!
This past Friday we went over and it was a party. The Osmonds came and so did Rach and Willie. Another pic I adore of the older girls.
Lily was enjoying the backyard in her daddies arms.
Rachel and her little man.
Time to go in to go tinkle. Everytime they went to the bathroom, they went together. See, it starts young!
Tea time!!!!
Ash was feeding Auntie some tea too.
Gracie just wanted to get into the little doll house, too cute!
Ash and Brookes
Sitting up!!! BIG GIRL!!! Looks like Ash is telling her something.
Happy little girl, always.
Ash and Gracie. Gracie is such a petite little thing, they almost look the same size to me here.
Kisses to Lily May.
WOW, she's really getting tall. And check out the calf muscles, yea girl!
We won't show this to your daddy. Willie was playing with the dolls, for a whole minute until he booked. He was hangin with the dads and his mama outside. I think it was just too much girl for him, lol!
Another tea party and Mya's DOWNIN the tea, must be good.
poor guy, with all these girls, there's gotta be something manly, right??
Mya and Reese doing Auntie Rachel's hair.
TICKLE TIME!!! OMG this was HYSTERICAL!! Why didn't I take a video????
And, of course, horsey time! Ry does this ALL THE TIME at home. And she always tells me, Mommy, daddy does it better. Thanks love, but I get it! He makes the sounds just like a damn horse.
WHOOPS, turning around and we lost one.
Tony and his sweet
And of course we had to try and get a group shot. Unsuccessful, but it's ok.
Gracie has ridiculous eyes, love them!
Kisses for Lily May, love you munchkin.
Such a great time, as usual. We love you guys and absolutely adore our summer Friday's!!!!
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