She's currently weighing in at 24lbs. She's a big girl but she's also really tall.
She's wearing 12-18 and 18-24 month clothes. The 6-12's have been out the door for a while now.
Her hair is growing so much and it's uber curly, I'm LOVING it but have no clue how to control it. I have stick straight hair so I'm not used to this. Thank god for clips and headbands, I try and tame it that way for now.
She's walking but not walking, she's stepping. She'll take 2-4 steps on the regular, but hasn't done more than that. She can balance great and usually just stands to play with a toy in her hand. We're in a serious 'operation get Ash to walk by her 1st birthday' zone these days!
She's still nursing and will definitely go to the year. She's very much so attached. The second I walk in the door after work, she cries for me and when I get her, she leans hardcore so she can nurse. She could have just had a bottle, food anything, but she still wants to nurse. I think it's going to be hard to stop (for the both of us).
She's Mya's biggest fan, still! Laughs, kisses, chases, swats at, stares at and just always wants to be with her. Melts my heart and I literally just can't even get enough of all the kisses they give. Ashley even makes the MWAHHH sound when she goes in for a smooch, I DIE! She's a big fan of kisses and gives them to anyone and everyone.
She's got 3 teeth and the 4th is popping through as we speak.
She loves to climb the stairs and cracks up when you go up behind her and pretend you are going to get her. Like cracks up, puts head on stair and almost can't catch her breath laughing so hard. This kid is HAPPY!
She's at that stage where everything goes in her mouth. Sometimes I see her and notice that she's got something in there, I fish in her mouth and her clip is in there. OY!
She's not the best but not the worst eater. You gotta catch her on the right day. If she had it her way, she'd eat graham crackers and ice cream everyday. Yes, she's had ice cream and she loves it. She's pretty much had everything. Sometimes, she'll put the food in her mouth, chew it (or suck on it) than spit it out. We REALLY miss the dogs during dinner time, cause they would be our little vacuums.
We're trying to teach Ashley where her nose is. I'll say, Ash where's your nose and she'll sometimes not point to anything, other times she'll point to her mouth. Yes, we're working on this one!
She's great at shaking her head to say no. Like when she's done eating, she won't open her mouth and just shakes her head back and forth, NO!
She's saying a few things, mama, dada, hot, no, she'll say woof (woo) for a dog, we're trying to get her to say Mya and a few times she's said my my (MELT MY FREAKIN HEART). She's also said Bay (bailey is Mary's dog), bye bye (and will wave uncontrollably) and hi.
She's a big fan of dancing and will shake her hiney when music comes on, I LOVE THIS!
She's just a doll, I love her so much and I can't believe she's almost 1. She has brought so much love, laughter and joy into our lives and I love watching her grow. I'm so happy Mya and Ashley will always have eachother.
And here are her 11 month pics. I have to confess, I literally took these pics yesterday, so they are 2 weeks late. Whoops, I just can't do it all people!
Me telling her NO you can't put that stick in your mouth.
Love that little face
Ryan closing in to grab that stick that's about to be shoved into her mouth.
this kid is all smiles
Love you ging and can't wait to celebrate you in a few weeks. xoxo
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