Here's Ry ry feedin ging her last dinner of 2011.
meanwhile, the bean was helping me bake some cookies for our little get together.
my love muffin.
I took a few really cute pics of gingy, she cracks me up!
We had my parents, Mary, Joe and Mags over to ring in the new year. It was so much fun and I'm glad we had them there to share it with. Love you guys....xo
Dew and the bean playing. Of course Dew's got his ipod on, jammin away.
Ashley and Nona
Just missed the bean, but this ones good!
The Bea fam a lam
I think Ashley has hit the age where Mags will hold her now too. Ash loves her, but I think Mags and the bean are still bff's, not yet gingy.
Godmama and her godbaby
another cutie pic, lol that drool.
Dew and Mya were fake feeding Ashley by her kitchen. She was sitting in Mya's chair and all, it was funny. I think Ashley was getting pissed that there was really no food on the spoon. She doesn't really get the make believe yet, lol!
Mya's turn! Cause she always needs a turn too.
getting so big with her sippy cup.
I remember when I was a kid, I'd used to do my dad's hair all the time. I'd put clips and bows in it, he'd let me do it all. Mya has taken that to a new level. My dad's got nail polish on, necklaces, a hair band, LOL!
Nona trying to settle the bean down. She was up till nearly 11pm! And nope, she didn't sleep in a minute past 6:15am on Sunday! UGH!
Nice chair, reminded me of saved by the bell.
Mya pretending she was prego with a stuffed animal, NUT!
Horsey ride...
Mya being a wack a doodle.
Mags and I
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We were feelin gooooood!
I hope everyone's new year was happy and safe. xoxo
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