All ready to go!
I just think of Randy from A Christmas Story where he's all bundled up that he can't even put his arms down. LOL!!
We turned to see the tree and this was her face. Like yea whatever mom.
It was so pretty.
Mya was more in love with watching the ice skaters.
Daddy and Mya
Had to get Ashley in there.
Someone was nice enough to get a pic of all of us. I love my little family.
Daddy got a pic of us, but the tree is hiding behind the statue.
Off to the Cathedral, so beautiful.
Mya was in awe, I think she liked St Patrick's Cathedral more than the tree.
Daddy using his muscles to get the girls in there.
SO BEAUTIFUL! Mass was being held, it was crazy how many people where there just so walk around and see it. I couldn't imagine being at mass and having all the tourists there, it would totally distract me. Not that having Mya and Ashley there don't distract me enough!
Mya and Daddy lit a candle.
Than we walked around the church, so so beautiful.
We got to the nativity. Mya helped my mom set up her nativity and she has a little people one too, so she knows it. She was amazed by this one. The cutest part is I was holding her and showing her all of them and she says to me, "Mommy, where's baby Jesus?" It was so sweet and I was so proud that she noticed he wasn't there. And since we're talking about church, I have to note this funny story from this past Sunday when we were at church. We just finished one of the readings and everyone said Amen. Everyone got quiet and Mya said all loud, AMEN! It was so sweet!
Times Square on the drive out.
Bye Bye NY! We had fun visiting.
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