Your stats from the Dr visit:
12 lbs 13ozs (75-90%)
24 inches (95-97%)
Once again, bigger than Mya was. So you'll pretty much be bigger than your mommy when you're 4! My dad said something funny to me about it, he said, don't worry about being so small, people will think you're their younger sister, LOL!!!!
You are are in 0-3 and some 3-6 month clothing. You are in size 1 diapers still too. Although that hiney is definitely starting to grow. We might have another donk a donk like Mya! She's got the thigh rolls coming in too. This kid is filling out and I LOVE it!
You are smiling up a storm, you are such a happy baby.
You are cooing more and it's so cute. It starts by your little mouth moving all around, like you want to say so much, than a few coos come out and it's just so cute!
Your laugh is so cute! You don't do it too much yet but when you do, I smile from ear to ear.
You LOVE to sleep on your belly, you have given me a few 5.5-6 hour clips that way too!
Your neck is getting so strong. When I have you on tummy time you can lift it for a few seconds to look up at me.
You HATE your car seat and I mean HATE!
You reached out and grabbed at Daddy's face for the first time on 7.18.11.
You are also are an animal cause you already rolled from your back to your belly. Did it the first time on 7.23.11. I was home with you and Ry was working. Ry didn't believe me till you did it for him that weekend! But you've only done it twice. And you just went from your back to your belly, not back yet. CRAZY!
You love your swing and love watching the animals above you when you lay in it.
You are still my little ginger with that strawberry blonde hair! And the eyes are still blue like daddies! LOVES!
We're having so much fun watching you grow sunshine!
A video of you in your swing, smiling and giggling!
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